Friday, December 2, 2011

Be The Change.

(Peace be upon thee)

Daily, people have unceasing complaints; about everything and everyone ranging from minute things, like a light bulb that needs changing or having to wait in line, to huge things, like the latest car bombing or faulty government policies. Everybody is always complaining. Yes, sometimes even me.
I'm a huge believer in Stephen R. Coveys' "The 7 Habits" series. Especially, in the concept of the circle of influence and the circle of concern.
There are so many cares in the world, one person cannot possibly cope with it all. One would keep on getting distracted from what is important and the tasks at hand.
Hence, one should limit one's concern to what one has influence over. Work within the circle of one's influence. Work from the inside out.  Change things, including oneself, to make them better. You can control your temper, nagging and criticism, you can avoid snapping at the people around you over little things, you can choose not to let other people's negativity get you down.
 And anything else out of your circle of influence, forget it. Remove it from your circle of concern or atleast stop worrying yourself about it so much that it detracts you from what you ought to be doing.
"There are two freedoms; The false, where man is free to do what he likes; The true, where man is free to do what he ought."
- Charles Kingsley.

Tired of that squeaky door? Oil the hinges. Missing garbage pick up because of a tardy teen? Take out the bags yourself. Concerned with eradicating poverty? Try helping people out via loans such as 'Kiva' or directly helping someone face to face in your town or city or your own neighborhood, (there is no shortage of folks in need of help, one kind or another, I assure you). Want to wipe out world hunger? Contribute either time or money at the local soup kitchens or local shelters or donate to organizations working overseas in a famine affected land.
Work on things you have control over, and not only will those things improve, you will also find that bit by bit there are more and more things you have control over. That is, your circle of influence is growing. Keep at it and eventually you will find that your circle of influence has outgrown your circle of concern.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Stop complaining. Get up and do something about it.