Sunday, January 1, 2012


Waiting can be tedious. Waiting can be tiring.
You could use that time doing something constructively.
Instead of pacing, write down a 'to-do list', or a 'done-today' list. Keep a good book with you and read that. Or if you are going to pace, then exercise. But do something requiring you to focus rather just let that time get wasted.
It is so common to complain about being made to wait, whether you're at home or out somewhere. The situation can't be helped so just make the best of it.
Why sit there collecting all that negativity? Just let it go..............
There are a million articles out there telling you how to manage and utilize your time. How to make the most of your day. In magazines, on the internet, in self-help books....
With so many helpful tips, ideas and guidelines etc. out there, are you still going to sit there and complain.....???